If you know some Japanese, it will be a lot easier to travel.
1. Ohayo
2. Konnichiwa
3. Arigato
4. Onegai shimasu
5. Sumima sen
1. Ohayo
Good morning. Easy to remember because it sounds like the state of Ohio.
We use Ohayo until around 10 AM
2. Konnichiwa
Konnichiwa is hello.
It is pronounced Kon-nichi-wa
You can use it all day.
3. Arigato
Arigato is thank you.
You can remember it sounds like Alligator.
There is a joke about this,
Visitor:How do you say thank you in Japanese?
Japanese: It’s Arigato.
Visitor; I can’t remember.
Japanese: Okay, you can just say “Alligator”
This visitor went to Japan and wanted to say thank you.
And he said “Crocodile”
*In Japanese sounds, there is no distinction between R and L.
4. Onegai shimasu
Onegai shimasu is please.
(thing you would like)+ onegaishimasu
e.g. Coffee onegaishimasu Coffee, please
If you do not know the word in Japanese, you can try English or
Kore (This pronounced koh-ray) onegai shimasu This, please. pointing the thing you woud like.
5. Sumima sen
Sumimasen is excuse me, or sorry.
You can use it to get attention, such as in stores or restaurants.
You can also say sumimasen when you want to say excuse me.
Or if you want to apologize.