OOTOYA(大戸屋)is one of the chain family restaurants. I recommend OOTOYA because their menus are very close to home cooked meal. If yous would like to taste some ordinary home cooked meal, this is an affordable choice. One caution: It can get quite busy during office lunch time (between 11:45-13:30) so it would be better to avoid that time.
Where can you find OOTOYA?
You are most likely to find OOTOYA in Tokyo area. There are 86 OOTOYA in Tokyo, especially near business distsricts or near Universities. As of Feburary 2025, there are OOTOYA near following stations: Tokyo, Ginza,Yoyogi, Kanda, Jimbocho, Akihabara, Iidabashi, Kichijoji, Shinjuku. Takadanobaba, Nakano, Ikebukuro, Otsuka, Sugaomo, Mejiro, Ogikubo, Osaki, Gotanda, Omori, Oimachi, Shinbashi, Roppongi, Shinagawa, Gaienmae, Tamachi, Akasaka-mitsuke, Ueno, Okachimachi, Kinshicho, Nakameguro, Jiyugaoka, Sasazuka.
Other than Tokyo, there are 1 or 2 OOTOYA in major cities such as Sapporo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Kobe, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Naha (Okinawa) etc. In other areas, they tend to be located in either shopping mall or surburbs.
What kind of menu are there?
The most popular ones are set menus. (Teishoku 定食)Set menus come with main dish, rice, and miso soup. You can choose rice (regular white rice or rice with cereals) and its volume (small, medium or large) You can also choose miso soup (regular or with shell)
They also have Donburi (Rice in a bowl and toppings)、Soba (buckwheat noodles), or Udon (wheat noodles)
Prices are reasonable. They are around 1000-1400.
If you want vegetarian options, you can order a la carte (side menu). You can order Rice, Soup and some vegetarian side dishes.
At the entrance
Since it is quite a popular place, you may have to wait in quene. In that case, you will find a ticket machine to get your waiting number. Some restaurants may have a list where you write your name and they will call you. If you don’t see either ticket machine or name lists, please wait in quene, If you are not sure, ask a staff and they can help you.
How to order at OOTOYA
Now, you can order with your smartphones. With menu, there is a QR code and it tells you how in Japanese and in English. (Some restaurants may have tablet menu)
If you are not sure how to order using your phone or tablet, find a button on the table ↑and you can order to a staff pointing at menu.
For your reference, I found a menu at OOTOYA USA. Some menu are different (in Japan, there is no sushi at OOTOYA) but you get the idea.
How to pay at OOTOYA
After you enjoy your meal, there is a self check out machine.
Tap the screen to change the language.
Scan the barcode of your bill
and you can use credit card or cash to pay.
My favorite menu is Saba Set (Grilled salted mackerel) I hope you enjoy!