Kanji 漢字
Kanji is one of the writing system we use in Japan. Kanji was first introduced to Japan around 1st century from China. Around the 5th century, names of Japanese places and people began to be inscribed in Chinese characters on iron swords and bronze mirrors produced in Japan. Kanji literally means letters from Han (Dynasty of China).
Chinese characters were first developed as pictograph. Long time ago, it was pictures that became letters. For example, Mountain, River, Sun (Day) and Moon (Month)
Later on, characters were combined to express new words. Can you guess what they are?
Answer from top: 木 (tree) 林(grove) 森(Forest)
Also, you can conbine parts, like anything it is related to wood can have 木 parts
ex. 松 (pine tree)、杉 (Ceder)、桜 (cherry tree)、梅(plum tree)
Here are some useful Kanji:
- 口 (mouth) ex. 入口 (entrance)、出口(exit)
- 東(East)、西(West)、南(South)、北 (North) ex. 南口(South exit/entrance)
- 上 (up) 下 (down)
- 男(man/male) 女 (woman/female) you might see this in hot springs or bathroom.
- 一(1)、二(2)、三(3)
- 月(Moon, month)日(Sun, day,)ex.9月10日 means September 10.
- 水(Water)