Useful Japanese phrases 2

Japanese Writing Language

Here are more useful Japanese expressions:

1.Arimasuka? Do you have?
2.Iidesuka? Is it OK?
3.Doko? Where?
4.Nandesuka? What is it?

  1. Arimasuka? (pronounced Ah ry mas kah?)
    • It means do you have ? or is there ?
    • For example, when you want to ask if the shop has specific thing you are looking for, you can show the picture of the products and say “arimasuka?” they can tell you.
    • You can also ask pointing things (e.g. sample of the product at the store) and say “arimasuka?” You can add kore (pronounced koh ray meaning this) or are (pronounced ah ray meaning that) and say “kore arimasuka?”(Do you have this?)
  2. Iidesuka? (pronounced Yee des kah?)
    • Iidesuka means is it OK? or Is this good?
    • If you want to ask if something is allowed. For example, if you want to ask if you can take picture, you can point the camera/smart phone and ask “iidesuka?”
  3. Doko? (pronounced Doh koh?)
    • Doko? means Where?
    • For example, if you want to know which exit to go out to go to Tokyo Tower, you can ask “Tokyo Tower doko?”
    • Or if you want to know where the products you are looking for is, you can ask “(Name of the product or showing the picture) doko?”
  4. Nandesuka? (pronounced nan des ka?)
    • It means what is it?
    • If the person starts to explain in Japanese, you can ask “Eigo de onegaishimasu” (In English, please)


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